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The Seven Principles of Public Life, sometimes referred to as the Nolan Principles, Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership, were recently debated in Parliament.

Whether illegally proroguing parliament, handing out covid contracts to pals, holding lockdown parties or breaking international law in a ‘specific and limited way’, the Tories have repeatedly eroded the public’s trust in government.

Truth and honesty when a Prime Minister takes to the Despatch Box is essential to good governance. It is so much harder to effectively lead a country through times of crisis if the public cannot trust its Prime Minister.

I challenged our new Prime Minister to get a grip on the moral decay at the heart of the UK Government. Westminster needs an Independent Ethics Advisor with the power to launch his own investigations into breaches of the Nolan Principles, instead of only being allowed to investigate what the Prime Minister permits. Sadly, Ms Truss has already indicated her unwillingness to appoint an ethics advisor, signalling that it will be business as usual for her government.

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